Construction Management, At Risk vor Agent, provides our clients with an “open-book,” client-focused construction expert to guide them from design through construction and occupancy of a building.
EDiS Company was founded as Ernest DiSabatino & Sons, Inc. in 1908 in Wilmington, Delaware as a masonry contracting company. Over the subsequent years the company grew to provide general construction services. In 1973, recognizing changing times, EDiS adopted the new form of project delivery known as Construction Management.
The construction management delivery method enables EDiS to be your construction expert. Whether we act as an agent or deliver this option as “Construction Management at Risk,” we maximize the value of this service by engaging with the entire team at the beginning of design. We are your construction advocate.
Quality Control
Whether delivering Construction Management At Risk or Construction Management Agent services, during the Preconstruction phase of your project, the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) were established and built into the design. During construction, EDiS’ team coordinates and works with consultants and testing agencies to ensure the OPRs are met. EDiS Pre-Install is one of our proactive processes that helps us guarantee quality construction.
Subcontractor Management
EDiS manages the subcontractors in each trade category. This includes trade coordination, scheduling manpower, design questions, quality control, submission processing, safety, and closeout.
Schedule Management
During the Preconstruction phase of your project, we establish the project schedule. During construction, we work with your organization, the design team, subcontractors, material suppliers, consultants, inspectors, municipalities, and state/federal agencies to be sure the project completion date is maintained.
Cost Management
EDiS’ cost management services deliver accurate invoicing, change order management, risk mitigation, and most importantly, keeps your organization informed about the financial aspects of your project. This includes change order analysis and management, invoice compilation, review and approval, and cash flow reporting, whether delivering construction management at risk, or agent.
Safety Management
From our leadership team to each member of the construction team, our goal on every project is to send everyone home at the end of the day in the same condition they arrived. The commitment of a full-time Director of Safety & Health and the implementation of a project-specific safety plan on every project are the keys to attaining this goal. Proper safety management mitigates claims, schedule delays, and cost increases.
Closeout & Commissioning Management
Our team will deliver a fully operational building that has been commissioned to meet the Owner’s Project Requirements (OPR) set in Preconstruction. Depending on the OPR, this includes O&M manuals, as-built documents, testing/commissioning reports, training, attic stock, and extended warranties.
Featured Project
Lorewood Grove Elementary School
Middletown, Delaware
Construction Management At Risk, Agent
"The process of building our new pool and fitness center started with our vision of what the project could be. When faced with the realities brought on by budget and schedule, we needed a construction manager that could guide us through the design and construction planning process, and help us figure out how to make that vision a reality. EDiS served as a true partner in pre-construction, finding creative solutions to the challenges presented by the budget and timetable for construction. Working together, the team delivered a design that will meet our vision."
Rob Wirth CEO, Rockland Sports
Together, we build projects and relationships, one at time, for a lifetime.
repeat business ratio
A majority of the clients who hire EDiS for construction management come back to us to build their second, third, and even tenth projects. Why? Because we do not just come, build, and leave. We commit to our clients' success, and we are in it for the long haul.